Straight like a tagliatella!

Ladies and gentlemen
to your chariots!
Pardon, in the saddle!
Emilia-Romagna lowlands, tagliatelle and old stations.
60 km of lowland, 60 km of the pure essence of Emilia. A straightforward, undemanding route that crosses a land of nihilists and empiricists, eccentrics and artists, of cordial and angry characters like the moody, Naïve painters of the lowlands who depict the plain. This region is a sort of Italy in miniature, a “super-Italy”. (Edmondo Berselli, Quel gran pezzo dell’Emilia).

your trip and
discover everything there is to see
The GPX track also includes the route from Concordia Sulla Secchia to Bologna. The final section from Concordia to Mirandola is under development as of 2024. In the southern part, from Osteria Nuova to Bologna, a temporary route has been arranged to accommodate international bicycle tourism. The final route, which will be completed in the coming years, will pass through Calderara di Reno, the wooded area north of the Airport, and the natural corridor of the Reno River.


The Land
Pico della Mirandola: The philosopher, who lived in the 15th century and was the most famous of the Pico family, boasted a prodigious memory. His fame came down to us and, still today…
San Felice sul Panaro
A small town that retains the charm of an ancient history, including late medieval architecture, noble buildings and suburban villas from the early twentieth century.
It stands on the left bank of the Panaro river, overlooked by splendid manor houses dating back to the 18th century. The history of its inhabited area originates between the 14th…
There is an air of rivalry between chefs down in the city because Crevalcore is located between the provinces of Modena and Bologna and, therefore, is in the condition of having a cuisine…
Sant'Agata Bolognese
The first settlement of the current town of Sant’Agata dates back to 1189, when, under Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, a fortification with walls, gates and a moat was built …
San Giovanni in Persiceto
San Giovanni in Persiceto is one of the oldest towns in the area. The original concentric layout of the old town, so-called “Round Town” (Borgo Rotondo), has been preserved until today.
Sala Bolognese
The name is of Lombard origin and was used in the meaning of “noble country house with annexed rural buildings, warehouse for the collection of agricultural products”.
Anzola dell'Emilia
The territory of Anzola, crossed by the Samoggia river and included between the Reno and Panaro rivers, has a very ancient history marked by the close relationship with the water…
Calderara di Reno
Lying on the left bank of the Reno River, its territory shows its agricultural and industrial soul…