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Sala Bolognese

Sala Bolognese

The name is of Lombard origin and was used in the meaning of “noble country house with annexed rural buildings, warehouse for the collection of agricultural products”. The specification “Bolognese” was added by Royal Decree in 1862. Today, the municipality is made up of various hamlets scattered throughout the territory, all interesting to visit. There is an evocative tour of the ruins surrounded by elms and white willows on the banks of the Samoggia, Lavino and Reno rivers, and the ascinating network of canals and hydraulic facilities of the Consortium of Rhenish Reclamation (Consorzio della Bonifica Renana).

Parish Church of S. Maria Annunziata

Built in Romanesque-Lombard style in 1096, the Parish Church of Santa Maria Annunziata and San Biagio was…

Church of San Michele Arcangelo

Sixteenth-century church, with two important paintings attributed to Crespi and Francia, around which…

Villa Terracini

Built in 1851, the halls and the rooms were painted, at the time, by excellent painters…

Bagnetto draining plant

One of the main works of land reclamation and hydraulics of these areas, once marshy. The construction..

Palazzo Zambeccari

Also called “Il Conte”, it is a villa-palace with a rectangular plan and four sixteenth-century angular towers…

Dosolo Detention Basin

Inside this Ecological Rebalancing Area, there are some woods with…

Giocars Museum

A great tribute to the passion for movement and mobility of the inhabitants of these lands. It contains 700 unique…